don't save
'invalid_ move'
stupidstupid spider solitaire
Nina stares at the screen
annoyed and just
pissed off -
no internet situation
blows !
outside bolts of lightning
frag ment the night's sky
the moon-fish swim in circles
turning every now & then to
in a dream
she follows pale_violet_links
to Mr Virtual Virtuoso's realm of 'No reason to stay awake'
obsolete electronics mementoes of another time
networks of amorphous alumni mannequins ~
their gushy eyes
unfinished paintings<>drawings
maps & manuscripts
a blacklight poster of a naked asian chick
pinned to a marred wall
on the sofa a box of
be smeared
in the newer portals of the
multifarious Never Ending ~
Emptiness sometimes lies down and stretches her long legs
until her toes touch the tip of a bed or blanket or the
coat of some unsuspecting fool
silently shuffling through his own dream / s
long ago ~
clusters of rosettes wet and shiny could be found
clustering under certain trees at the edge of the wood ~
a myraid of spider webs strewn across
flowering meadows only visible to the human eye
on misty mornings ~
your absence is still a hole in today
Nina knows he is right ~ nothing will ever come of it
~ * ~
Nothing ~ slinky in her black dress & new
eyelashes Nothing ~ sister to Emptiness Nothing ~
penetrating the divine with one single swipe and click
the simple hit and run the clinch & glitch
Nothing ~ c ode les s just a slip in the chip
sometimes Nina thinks she somehow misled him but
the truth is he misled her or they misled each other
without ever working up
a sheen of sweat
during the overshadowing the static
the marathon marauding her alcoholic
psychosis his designer drugs & those
many melancholy drizzles
he rocked her and she cradled him

after the rain the blue starts to open out and
s p r e a d
blueing everything
'There are no more possible moves
What do you want to do?
end game
return and try again'