Dec 23, 2021

She found me on October the 13th..

 I almost sat on the tiny, grey fur ball that was curled up on my favorite back porch chair! Saw her out of the corner of my eye before I sat on her. Oops.. Almost didn't see you there - all the while thinking, nope, don't want the responsibility, nope and no! Then she sat up and stretched and I saw the stump of a tail and my grinch heart melted. That's how she roped me in. Yup , it was the stump. I thought she had been in an accident or it had been bitten off by a dog or something else. Turns out she was born with that stump and isn't even a kitten at 6 lbs. Nope, my princess Stumperina is around two years old. She was wearing a beat up pink flea collar she was loved by someone before me. I had her spayed and she has gained a pound or two. She owns me 100%. 

Cool, I can post pics now! Working Xmas Eve and Christmas day but will post pics as soon as I get a minute. Not on Face hook anymore. Hope everyone is having happy, healthy holidays! 😁 😘