Dec 25, 2021
Dec 23, 2021
She found me on October the 13th..
I almost sat on the tiny, grey fur ball that was curled up on my favorite back porch chair! Saw her out of the corner of my eye before I sat on her. Oops.. Almost didn't see you there - all the while thinking, nope, don't want the responsibility, nope and no! Then she sat up and stretched and I saw the stump of a tail and my grinch heart melted. That's how she roped me in. Yup , it was the stump. I thought she had been in an accident or it had been bitten off by a dog or something else. Turns out she was born with that stump and isn't even a kitten at 6 lbs. Nope, my princess Stumperina is around two years old. She was wearing a beat up pink flea collar she was loved by someone before me. I had her spayed and she has gained a pound or two. She owns me 100%.
Cool, I can post pics now! Working Xmas Eve and Christmas day but will post pics as soon as I get a minute. Not on Face hook anymore. Hope everyone is having happy, healthy holidays! 😁 😘Nov 25, 2021
Oct 22, 2021
Sep 23, 2021
Sep 6, 2021
Jul 20, 2021
Jul 13, 2021
Jul 7, 2021
May 26, 2021
Apr 5, 2021
Mar 31, 2021
"If you had asked me " what's your biggest dream?" ....
"We could make paper out of trash on rainy days.."
From a conversation with my sister, Nancy.
A found poem. Found on face hook:
"No one:
The moon: (pic of moon)
Me: I love her"
Sun & Light
The first trees
and flowers
to bloom here
in the spring
do so
in yellow or white.