Sep 7, 2010

Others were suppose to meet us at the Gathering Sidewalks

  • during slow time we
    strip billboards
    looking for clues
    the Welcome Ladies try selling trips
    not one human can afford.

    once M decided we should explore the L during daylight.
    there was a mean bimmer he wanted to steal. I thought he must be talking about a tank but
    then he explained
    that it was a small vehicle that could fly, could blend into
    clouds and hoover.
    like a black helicopter? sort of, but more of a flat spin.
    what will you give for it? ..a couple of the books.
     Books?! - not THE Books!
    maybe just the newer ones, they have no power.
    even when the reader is pulled in by the sound bites?
    don’t worry about it.
    but I was..
    I closed my eyes
    to drown between his lines
    greylight, hitting buildings like blood
    a blue sky paraphrased by slush, bits of scale
    circulating thru patches of black
    sinking deeper, the water a throat
    of eyelashes, of ink, torn flesh
    moonbitter scars that pop and bulge
    the taste of salt soundless
    words under words trying to touch
    pieces of heaven dotted
    with sky, soft as toes in the sand
    M and I try to sleep
    on the, smothering
    comicbook type bunk. we wait for rain,
    listen to Vangelis.
    recite parts from
    The Lady of Shalott & so
    the days keep running together.
    I develop an eye infection -
    M says it’s from the neon dust. .
    something about how the colors are poison.

    Even when i wear layers of clothing
    you make the back of my neck tingle..
    are your hands warm?
    I smile because everything turns into something else..
    there is a naked girl in the box above us-
    another in the box below.



    our bodies are hot on a desk in front of a polished mirror > pure to see - white lace > and starched sheets, chiffon and minutes onwards, convolution-spending >
    the it vibrating when we of now, despite our partial partly > I expand him in my pupils.
    he’s on it and curious, anytime, to float with the shift > his body to me,
    it’s real and everything, flesh moving forwards > on a repeated light spin <
    the merry go-rounds > walls. I with a cig, go rounds between sheer curtains with him everywhere, he is my bedroom, > in its Merry- > Wonderfall. > even away, naked, in books >
    He’s the same>,wombed, sometimes crazy & stray > I save the naked, go-rounds, reflect,consciously. i don’t know what it means. the repeated can box, wear vibrating tints rosy.
    > Wonderfall. repeat me, even if jerk i ly, always, day.. even in his days of curtained silence, I keep these pages hidden on the roof with the cool rain and leaves.

    Aug 6, 2010

    31 Flavours, Day Seven, Harrisham Rhyme

    mushroom cap -
    moist dew mouth, hand
    to your lovely blonde stretch
    over my lap,
    reaching and
    ghosting a sketch.

    ((( /// ,

    Aug 5, 2010

    fluctuation of the pupil

    on repeat.

    through the cubed window Nina sees a squad car slowly circling the parking lot, the robo driver entering numbers into its box.

    too many abandoned vehicles.


    you gave your laptop a name..

    lol. yeah.. 'Dellarina'.

    what did the song remind you of?


    Jul 24, 2010

    a Found Poem (solid block of fuel)

    Calling Close on a Stream
    flushes any buffered data,
    essentially calling Flush
    for you.


    When deriving from Stream,
    if you have an internal byte buffer,
    it is strongly recommended
    that you override these methods
    to access your internal buffer
    for substantially better performance.


    The thunderstorm rages -
    Nina lights another candle
    then blows it out.


    May 19, 2010

    Through the Cubed Window

    Nina watches WarmThing sleep.
    Curves outlined by silence, lips slightly open.
    Hair: a glossy fan of smoothly smooth yet also
    coiled, dishevelled & somehow a token. & those
    breasts -
    pills in the dark.

    Nina zooms into the eyes. Into
    WarmThing's, dream:

    she is with Napkin
    they are stacking lawn chairs together

    < Is she smiling? >

    hey, Yellow Mellow!
    yeah, she is laughing.

    < Is she wearing a black diamond? >

    heh.. yes.

    < I'm in too, it's nice, a fuzzy mood and I think that Napkin has probably loved her before. >

    you mean, like in another time, YM?

    < Maybe .. maybe during the Time of the Moon. >


    May 18, 2010

    by anesthezia, inspired by warmthing & napkin

    my nipples are skinny
    but when you pull on them
    they feel fat

    & your kisses have feet
    they stand a little shaky but they stand

    and make me

    like some sort of tiny

    like when i went into yours and it was not so tiny
    it was huge and un measured like a song that dark turned and stretched and turned, a sigh;
    a shift wanting to stay alone. but
    my light is a bit broken so you let me in

    May 10, 2010


    Nina touches the keyboard

    Solutions to install
    No solutions found

    just a room held by night

    Nina takes a pill, smokes his cigarette. thinks maybe she will buy him a lighter.

    May 6, 2010

    Tags: None

    illusion: XIV

    never dead me
    i police men, so okay take a shower, on for it.

    silly chime - party all the time

    spoon full -
    special is something fix

    fifty into just elite

    but i happen in immunity. wake W itch, particular the exclamation, but mad - say the speak, the swim. . the I-you refract

    dreams best sky rest, -

    Maybe. particular in lack


    u spit your tragedies into
    music. while i eat
    artificial crab meat,
    rolling rock &

    feel beat, a don't million with nobody Quality.

    i was so happy, i thought that song, 'Hold On'
    by LotusBand

    it's worth a schedule full, see.


    ^ this is what i thought when i saw your pic

    the one on facehook?


    the silver artifice?

    arc): chair the feeling

    you happen, Mother, to the brought, the get ..

    Print-makers, voltaire's uP ?

    ^ return potato in 0 is i out but worth something
    i have,
    dig? ^

    an ever-magic; soul mute

    Spartan but meschikles?

    body-life-thing - narmur)

    it's a multidisciplinary heaven

    sometimes i want you like a
    mad elementary roll

    b/m illion of say .. panels of lock: your lips

    bleed hip > everybody's in vying artistic, No of don't-slides and fondly,


    Apr 18, 2010

    Nina Sleeps

    the lights move on
    faces:sharp noses
    tub eyes, the blue knocked
    his mouth
    an accident
    move, she thinks
    her hair is good/real:
    everything from the ocean
    new. & inside her Other
    mouth Sweet Candy


    listen, when I cut over
    Again, I will write & there will be
    a rainbow with everYthing Sky, chimes
    that catch the wind, snowflakes will pave
    the road in soft glitter -
    you will come out of the dream, a burst of
    coolness ..

    better teeth?

    your smile will be a Language, never pleading.
    the rooms of your days will be smooth and uncluttered


    Apr 7, 2010

    much later: saint twice in pocket

    will you to my cave bed now

    an absurd notion

    the whole day has been absurd

    i promise to cackle like jiggy red, i mean, what do i care, sitting in pablo's
    no air apartment


    big lad, all woman, no gaps

    maybe my heart is superstitious so go back & spell levitate

    you'd algebra me if you could, drive a tracker thru

    the reign of the big can

    slur bag, synaptic want


    volume fraud, laugh gate

    sarcophagi in a well

    dice order

    complete crash


    a morning in april

    Nina watches the sky shift. The mural is rain. The sprinter has gone out to
    flip things back:
    medicine for her ear

    the rain does a blur dance
    her head feels hot

    hey.. are you watching the greys in the mural?

    yup. where are u?

    my eyes are in your street.

    thin pluckings of brown.



    whatcha do to your hair?

    nothing. it's just dirty.


    a swirl-crawl of mock, dangling cushy, that's what u are, u know.

    yeah. but i make you laugh. hope you get your cigs soon. take care.

    Nina stares at the blank pad, heart loosened, a bird lost, noise behind the wall.

    Mar 23, 2010

    Pencil and Crayon

    in fairy tales
    we walk through our snowy world..

    don't blink


    there are fresh places in your eyes
    i want to catch them for the map

    heh. watch your step. the snow is deep there where if it were blue it would be green



    do you mean, red?

          maybe. i don't know. winter is nice, i do love you ..

    like gentle mittens?

     & flip flops

    Mar 22, 2010

    (02/04/10 22:41:33)


    i can fuse the cheese into a nacho plate.

    Packed individually for freshness...

    so, Nina, what's up with your stereo?

    sounds alright right now, playin' billy idol.

    and fat cat is all good?
    no. something happened while i was gone.

    don't be afraid.


    Feb 5, 2010

    Jealous Guy

    i don't like him.

    jesus, nina..

    i am paging mr yellow mellow

    why? he can't do anything.

    he can be with us.


    identified: a security vulnerability

    what's up n .. m.. drunk again?




    mmmmmm... click... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,



    alcohol is legal!


    get out of the past, nina.

    Jan 30, 2010


    garlic and chocolate. apples and salt.

    keebler club crackers, a little scotch and planters cashews


    i want to have fun with you. i do i do i do!

    do you remember the last movie we watched
    and if it was really me, that was with you?

    i remember your mad mouth
    and your sad mouth

    what about that narrow, dark place i touched
    and the window i couldn't really see through?

    all i know is
    you touched me as if i were a flower
    and that should be good enough for you.

    lol, warm thing...

    you make my heart sing?

    yeah and if you want
    i'll be the napkin if you be the ring.


    Jan 25, 2010

    Nina Laughs

    she found her silver purse. it doesn't sparkle but the fringe is fun.

    you should have bought the boots

    she puts the purse in the closet with the 2 matching scarfs. no palm trees just beautiful cobblestones, a fireplace and snow.

    your body is cold

    winter is a vampire

    that looks like you

    Jan 19, 2010

    Nina Dreams as

    reflections repeat - nights in the duplex box. and through the window:
    angels float from another host. . dark, filled with holes, cracks, & smoke.
    these holes
    fingerprint her with glints
    push her into everywhere they've been -
    haiku of smoky noise.
    her naked body stirs, but only, slightly.


    far away
    tombed in his own dreams
    black irises
    burn lips, smear themselves on bony & fat tips..


    basket thighs

    how's your cash?

    i'm broke


    Nina is a theater
    her bangs & lungs are spray-painted
    the word
    is etched
    like a tunnel -

    he is
    a pink
    tiny bits of ice stuck in his bit
    a vibrating line
    marking the gloom



    Jan 11, 2010

    consider each keystroke ..

    a kiss.


    with bloody cuticles and shaky hands
    Nina types into the machine..

    dear ghost eyes
    i am sorry for calling you mean names. i am sorry you are sad.

    know this:

    you are my velvety ocean & my dreamland.
    my nest & my pulse
    my fever, my socket, my
    glass. my dark shadow ~

    i came across time for you,
    died a million deaths with you

    ran through alleys &
    walked through gardens of stars with you

    Dec 14, 2009

    i won't die

    on a foggy
    covered by nothing but the computers' flickering glow
    the fat cat snoring in her corner
    dreaming in rhyme as my avatar changes into some kind of an angel or
    maybe even a bloody ax in the sand
    which would lead people to believe that
    i am still here
    i guess this is a poem
    for all of those who can't stand to breathe
    the stench of their own stink
    who no longer care enough to
    get out of bed
    find a job
    for those who don't feel like editing their drunken
    slop of a poem
    fuck, u, u know it's that time of the year
    for all you losers
    watching a tv show about being reconnected
    with god
    a lost family member or something called, hope
    for those sick of all the sugary bullshit or just bull
    for all those closet billy idol fans
    for those who never did any drugs
    but were simply born
    too slow
    for the obese armchair activist
    inhaling his third pizza hut pizza
    for the girl who thinks she's gonna make it big
    by fixing her nose
    for the generic shut-in
    who only writes about roses
    because he has seen all the ugly in the world
    and wants to forget
    all the Lucilles putting his last dollar in the jukebox
    instead of washing baby clothes
    for all those who find their last rebel yell
    when the sheriff comes with the eviction notice

    for the time love left you breathless
    on a beach full of sun.


    Dec 11, 2009

    Nina Sighs...

    pours herself another vodka/red bull
    and turns up the volume

    'Super Nanny'
    what a great show.


    show over. cigs, gone.

    thinks about getting dressed and going outside to see if the car will start.. nah.
    searches for 'Even Flow' on Utube instead.

    Pearl Jam.. isn't it a decade too soon for them to be hip again?


    o, okay.. so you're just gonna be all sullen and bitchy now?

    no. i found a pair of long johns and they fit so i am actually quite content.

    so, you are getting dressed and you are gonna go out and try to start your car?


    alright. just sayin'. just might be good to see if it starts. cause you are gonna have to drive it tomorrow.

    i can walk.

    LMFAO! yeah, right. in this weather? you aren't as tough as you used to be, Nina. Let's face it, you have pretty much given up.

    on what?!

    L I F E

    fuck you.


    Dec 5, 2009

    Radar Love

    love is..

    us, living in a van by the river..

    drinking cheap scotch and screw-top wine

    writing mad/bad-ass poems on napkins stolen from McDonald's.

    we will film everything, of course, and become friends.

    lol come on now, let's get serious!

    Love is..
    the blinds closed, your wet hair, your pupils all crescent, the clutch
    and hold of your sweet talons, and that satin bush wild enough to silk on!

    to silk on? oh, you mean after i bang it on your salty lips & tongue?

    oh yeah - and the way you paint those lusty arrows on my skin
    till i am blind & gutted, reduced to howls; dog language

    but what if i want a cigarette and we have none?

    i'll let you suck my finger or if you want you can suck your thumb and i won't ever tell anyone.

    Nov 2, 2009


    Nina wakes
    to find him carrying her



    to his kymograph/other thing machine thing

    his sepia lab coat
    has vanished in spots

    what are you doing with that?

    checking it for a change


    don't worry
    you'll get it back


    Oct 20, 2009

    the land stands still, the water keeps rising

    both moons, those milky eyes
    dissolve into soft focus

    Nina is dreaming. her hair a tangle of mischief
    blue veins pulsing starfish highlit thighs hand painted

    bubble b, where did you wander off to

    far away giggle
    broken static

    just /// beach

    are you wearing the repellent

    i found a cove full of ***///*

    get back to the villa before dark, i'm picking you up in a few hours

    foamy shadow - flagged


    ok // tryin to send [image]


    Oct 14, 2009

    Nina starts crying at the same time the rain begins to फाल - 10/01/09 11:09:51

    not so much out of sadness as from frustration.

    she closes the window and gets out the ice.
    take that, eyelid 1 and eyelid 2!

    frozen swirls of radon on frozen planets of ice?

    'forever afternoon (tuesday?)'

    the fairy land of love .. i know u are smiling .. i always make u smile with my love

    It's smoke only when no
    longer visible, everything around
    it, shiny, blue, and naked, odd parts I notice and

    lick-spittle of thought, brainwell, shadows of my soul .. imagine it is a blue world's other weather .. rubbed on your knot .. my finger-flower close the blinds, concentrate, u know the vanity of the carnal world. but that is not what i was talking about..

    well.. i am talking about the enormous stillness of dream-taste.
    a fatal autumnal afternoon.
    why fatal?
    just a deeper magic. .

    two-lane highway, recognition?

    before the re-pass.



    your hair smells good.

    your lips are soft.

    i'll stay.

    who will save us now?

    Oct 12, 2009

    with a hint of plum in her hair

    i love strange places

    strange places or being a stranger?


    they were staying in an abandoned villa overlooking the ice cold ocean. there were other small villas in the area but this was the only one with electricity, hot water and a working jacuzzi bathtub. the place was overflowing, with dark, cheap mediterranean furniture spotted in places with a strange florescent mold (?). Nina had discovered what seemed like, hundreds of bottles of wine, underneath the ornate bar. each small, round bottle they pulled out, had the same handwritten label:

    Robertson Winery
    natural sweet red
    South Africa

    Nina was already opening a bottle, using her small, personal, vine engraved corkscrew.

    i hope the corks aren't all crumbly, who knows how old these bottles are..

    Nina laughs, grabs a small plastic cup and says
    this one is fine. i'm taking it with me into the bath. why don't you check out the kitchenette. so-so said that he left some decent freeze-dried meals in the pantry. or.. you should see if you can get that old vhs player to work, he left his 1960's classic tv shows, collection. her voice trailing away as she turns the corner to walk down the hall towards the bathroom.

    he decides to go out on the terrace to get some fresh air before tackling the ancient vhs situation. the place had a weird odor. not really unpleasant but the fact that it was, unidentifiable, bothered him. Nina said it was just the regular, musty-dusty closed-up-house smell, and suggested opening all the windows but the windows were screen less, and he wasn't sure what kind of insects were out there, so they agreed to leave the windows closed for the time being, especially at night. the view from the terrace was spectacular, 2 moons, each one surrounded by a bright violet glow, which was never visible from the city. the seagulls looked like regular seagulls only much larger and they seemed to move much slower, than he remembered from his childhood. he wished he had asked so-so for a map of the island, but it was too late now. he suddenly felt uneasy and went back inside, locking the glass door behind him.
    he finds Nina still in the bathtub, her hair pinned up, jet flows turned way down, and a washcloth over both eyes. bubbles in circles bumping up against her skin like white bursting flames.
    are your eyes hurting again?
    emmm.. especially the left one. feels like it is turning into a migraine.
    relax, i'll go look for some pills, knowing so-so the way i do, i know he left something good behind

    Nina sighs to herself. she was sick of all the poison. sick of the running & hiding..


    back in the kitchenette, he finds a blank envelope, and starts to write:

    my heart is only a muscle
    drained and flattened or
    fluted and electric
    depending on the umbilicus of your climate,
    the smashing of your void.
    your heart is a forest, where
    if i'm not careful
    mine may disappear


    as they slept
    the ocean grew colder &
    thousands of stars
    moved closer together

    Nina dreamed dreams she would never remember
    they flowed into each other
    becoming one


    moose-mink monogram


    Marcy Playground

    # #

    i really like that line:
    eating a face

    who wrote that?

    i don't recall


    lol, i always use, 'remember' .. so ..

    ah.. so .. so, you liked that song?

    not really. just the songs it reminded me of

    alright.. open another bottle.

    i can't i am having the strangest dream.

    i'll do it


    where did you leave your insane goblet?

    i don't remember

    Nina.. did you go out on the terrace, while i was in the shower?


    heh.. you know... i came here with you so that you are safe.. please don't lie.

    there weren't any insects! i wasn't bit! i just wanted to see the sea turtles. so-so said they use this beach! they have developed a special protection!
    i just wanted to see!!

    alright. it's ok. calm down.

    Oct 8, 2009

    playing. atomic/blondie

    no helmet sensation today
    only a neon smell

    Nina gets out the old keyboard
    unnecessary but her fingers want
    the comfort of the plastic keys

    he had cushioned her & traumatized her hips
    had insisted that transition was still possible

    outside, a large tracker unit rolls by
    its blinking lights turning the raindrops
    silent deaths
    his lips

    she felt cold, & almost wished she was huddled in a cafe full of people warm with drink


    Over our life - then shalt thou, smiling, touch the keys, And draw me softly with thee into Paradise. --- ee cummings


    whatcha doin?

    watching 'Willard' on the idiot box

    claustrophobic fur smothering victorian fear


    write something


    prism of rain *** whisperling,

    stop. the world is hateful and you know it. i am sick of it.

    no you aren't. remember that time we ended up in the other space because the TR malfunctioned. how we sat on the naked beach watching the strange bird like creatures swoop down into that odd shivery silver water to catch whatever it is they were eating. how we laughed at the odd jubilant trilling sounds they made while flying back up into the sky. how you sat perfectly still as my mouth found your neck.. the cave we slept in.. the things we wrote on the walls..


    Oct 7, 2009


    subtle as a log.

    Nina reads the words on the screen. Uh huh, you should definitely stick to what you know. No doubt about that, Mr. Writer. King of the Samples.
    She smiles.
    It is dark outside but is it night?

    _all circuits_ are busy now_ [error 815-71]

    she felt like sliding across the carpet and touching the screen just to hear those little statical crackles. but she didn't have carpet.

    she resumes reading.. yadayada..

    'that unfortunately mistake smugness
    for being refined and mistake lack of sympathy for clear

    oooo.. now, that is creamy.

    wall sprites move quietly near the walls, and wait.

    Nina wakes up from one of the best dreams she has ever had. The entire theme was of dinning room tables. She couldn't decide between the oval shaped blond wood that looked like old school desks of different heights pushed together or the round, dark cherry wood with all the tiny, secret drawers. Both easily seated 12. &

    for the cat named, Big Bridge:

    who takes me there, hands me a glass of mead?
    a lock opens, dragged out organism,
    red grass burnt feet. all is that didn't
    to be of some old neither, was moved to Am
    in My.

    Top: where he's @ and what his stillness means:

    beep beep .. across the screen:
    slow down you are going a little crazy there and forgetting your own rule, barbarous..

    'The Beautiful Lady is cardboard, the sky--where the happy lovers fly away--is tissue paper. Liquid flows from the wound of the poor abandoned lover, and the "mystics" who jabber their "theories" in chorus remain open-mouthed, become quite flat and disappear, while the author, pestered from right and left, doesn't know what to dream up to explain to the audience what has just happened.'

    i thought the topic was drowning?

    i am struggling between fantasy & the basic,
    between breaths, of nerves.

    my stomach is a lost exit, how about some spaghetti and texas toast?

    i realize that what i write is for the most part inaccessible and interesting to maybe one reader at the most.


    tears, & voids.

    Oct 6, 2009

    ३० minutes

    -30 minutes later-

    he punches in the password, pushes the heavy door open. the apartment is dark except for the aquarium.

    is that you?

    it be me

    what did you forget?

    nothing. i picked you up some half & half and a pack of smokes



    he opens the fridge and puts the half & half in the top shelf of the door. walks into the bedroom and hits the soft-light switch. he is surprised to see a bottle of club soda on her nightstand and surprised to see that there is no sheet on the mattress. she is laying on her side, her back to him, her hair in spools held together by tiny, colorful puzzle-piece clips.


    if you are going to speak to me, sit down.

    the hand in the voice pushes him down.



    do you need quarters for laundry?

    no. the sheet came off and i was too lazy to put it back on


    the little black clock on the nightstand ticks like a bomb.

    mind if i hang out for awhile.. i could sketch you in that pose

    what would you call it...?


    Nina closes her eyes
    she is drowning between the lines
    sunlight, hitting water like blood
    paraphrased by slush, bits of scale
    circulating thru patches of coral
    sinking deeper, the water a throat
    of eyelashes, of ink, torn flesh
    moonbitter scars that pop and bulge
    the taste of soundlessness
    worlds under worlds touching
    pieces of heaven dotted
    with sky, soft as toes in the sand