Oct 20, 2006

Open Wide

in my boy black a.m.
moved hands to stuck heart.

Through the veins
he spits a soft window
to my arm.

I am the mouth

I eat the away. of his straight painted bleak

I break the canned tongue

I am a mean

the song I devour was before
in his hands
a pin swatch
the star car--
once walls cliffs and fingers.


Hector the Crow said...

"I eat the away. of his straight painted bleak" - love that line

Tasha Klein said...

thank you.


Matina L. Stamatakis said...

Girl, you rock! Guess it's not much of a response, eh? What can one say? Speechlessness sets in. Mouth opens for the flies to find their homes in.


Tasha Klein said...

hi mz m ..and we wonder what that little buzz in our head is!

dr craque.. don't burn your mouth on the fresh muffins.