Nov 16, 2006

Her Dress Suddenly Felt Like Pop Gristle

birds fly out of her mouth
leading the way down the hall
the air smells like lemon..

cases of injury
stacked like the final harvest
blink their own color away

Nina's dress is made entirely of pictures
up and down
a silky sound
of feathers on a winter lake
where stars sometimes just

her cell phone hooked between her breasts
the five favorites
glowing warm

don't forget the bob marley

throbbing neon in the Valley Shadow
skin is a short-circuiting slogan


Matina L. Stamatakis said... Mmmm... delicioso!

Can't wait to read the finished version ;-).

Oh, by the way, having some difficulties with Myspace! What's new, eh? Ugh!

Tasha Klein said...

oh matina.. u aren't really missing anything.. just the usual requests for adds by bands, sprinkled with the hornies and just straight up freaks. LOL
will be over to visit at least one of your blogs later :)

Matina L. Stamatakis said...

mmmmm Throbbing Gristle...the second part reminds me of Genesis' transformation "Alice white shiraz" reminds me of his granny wig. Love it, love it! And the title! Best one yet ;-).

ps--thanks for dropping by, Tasha. Left you a little note.

Inconsequential said...

hmmm, I think I liked the ending were you both laughed, except he didn't....


oh well, work in progress, hope it turns out how you want it to ...