May 31, 2013

alphawezen - rain (unofficial version)

i really shouldn't write anything, being in the mood, i am. bad. bad. bad mood. all i did today was eat. bad things. like: hot dogs, salt n vinegar chips, cookies, candy.
my neck and shoulders hurt hurt hurt and i am afraid to take anymore arthritis pills.
see what i mean? went to my bad place in a matter of seconds.
so i will stick to the positive. i finally set up my 5 gallon death tank. i broke my own rule - which is - always buy the biggest tank you can possibly manage. it would be cruel to actually put a fish in this aquarium.


Hector the Crow said...

why is it a death tank? does it store death for future use?

Tasha Klein said...

lol, HTC!
it is easier to keep the water quality up, in a larger body of water.

Tasha Klein said...


Tasha Klein said...

as of now, there are still, no fish in this tank, only algae growing on the white rocks. i quess i'll get a water snail and possibly a betta fish.