Aug 7, 2022

so im off today. The only reason is because there are 2 women i work with who are highly motivated by

 Their monthly car payments to pull this outrageous amount of overtime! Complete slaves to their vehicles. All covid19 co-workers are still out. The state changed the mandated time off from 5 days to 7 days. So the thing is .. I have been feeling everything I felt when I came down with covid19 in 2020... The horrible fatigue, the strange relentless headache, no appetite. I've just been dragging myself through the days. All unboosted employees still being tested twice a week. I've been tested 3 times a week and the results are always negative. However the rapid tests seem to be defective somehow or they just don't pick up the new strain as quickly because several nurses and CNA have not tested positive until the 6th or 7th time. All the while stating they aren't feeling well and having to work anyway and no one is keeping those N95 masks on all day.. I mean it's just a joke. Anyway.. So I had to stop feeding the stray, Hobo Grey because the Princess just doesn't like him. I can't force her to like him. It's been months and her attitude has not changed. So he tried to come into the house the other day and she viciously attacked him , I had a glass of water in my hand and had to use it. Didn't feel like taking cats to the vet because her nails were just clipped and his are these long , lethal claws and he was fighting back .. Good grief, everything is just so depressing. The cats at work all have tapeworm. . my internet has been down more than not, just from rain. that's all it takes. A rainy day and boom , no internet. And it's been raining for weeks at a time. I don't have a television.  Wow so 1st world problema s. 



Tasha Klein said...

I guess I should be calling it, Omicron instead of covid19 at this point?

hiccup said...

hey thanks for dropping by the other day. i, like you, am on and off the web, but it's mostly self chosen.i've managed to slow modern communications down a few days a time, like an old timey post office delivery. maybe that's the verge today. how to slow the spin. the days are all the same but everything happens too fast.

so my covid experience is basically the same, though there are more people wearing masks. i am not one of them because as far as i know, i haven't been exposed.these days it's almost a danger will robinson wave. when my honey had it, i slept in a differnt room and didn't share things and didn't get it then.but i did wear a mask to work and around because what if? surprise! and now i will prolly get it. i will be surprised if i don't. omicron is less dangerous they say. super spreader, not as fatal. still i don't want it. stay safe out there nina.