Oct 20, 2006

Open Wide

in my boy black a.m.
moved hands to stuck heart.

Through the veins
he spits a soft window
to my arm.

I am the mouth

I eat the away. of his straight painted bleak

I break the canned tongue

I am a mean

the song I devour was before
in his hands
a pin swatch
the star car--
once walls cliffs and fingers.

Oct 19, 2006

He Calls Me Babydoll


I've got the successful conclusion of your neck voice called gentleman:

link slip

The condenser is always on
the assistant
the one showing side one,
the audience loops in
Hidden everywhere.
release the lives of merchandise. the primal
she wants the rough of death
outrage bait
huge progression of the boredom gristle
drumming the keyboard with sexsex sex sex

Oct 17, 2006

Unknown Zone (mixed)

..She is thought warped, and this is always a head chec.k.
the more she fans his knock on being portions of her blue the more he becomes her pill-time. a razor. the naked draft choice. walking across the black waves she knows she is still in the parking lot.

rolling into tonight's orgasm would be too hard. he wants the perfect

and she would be happy with the perfect Italian pop
by Faust'O // L Erba

a little bowie, a little morrison thrown in, thank god she can't understand the words.

xxxxxx ..///./

Oct 14, 2006

Nina Tries To Write A Love Poem

but burns her grilled cheese sandwich instead

he is cute when he is 'arcing' ..
arcing? heh.


maybe you can orbit-trail me
but keep it
still and inner

send me your email addy & a dream to sleep in

Oct 12, 2006

I Light Cigarette Sweat

Does the dress paint the sidewalk
or does it paint you?

Lick my pits
or don't go --

'Wonder Retreat'

Cat piss

an episode of satellite warp or
out landos d'amour

smoking is impossible at this point

and all heat sits right beneath the skin

Oct 10, 2006

Hot Sauce

smeared sorrow eyes

Hoping you'll dance across my trail
with your cool safety fingers

won't stop moving
lost in forever

I lay waiting
brake placed
but still drove onto this morning
Where you open me
with your face
shot with skin
