Dec 21, 2006


she sucks in her breath, keeps her red dress on,
the one with the tiny death buttons &
i only want to be the silent diamond on her garter belt (black as a funeral).
i want to taste her wet blue soul &
just be, haunted, reposed & splintered.

she never smiles, just stares, exposed. if i get naked,
will you hold me, use a careful fierceness to make me sweat?
o i am gasping uhuhuh working up to the shiny heard star,
feeling like a tear that tears, only dropping
to suck on her, majestic sprawling lips.


Russell CJ Duffy said...

oddly erotic. bisexual even. tease. tease. tease.

Matina L. Stamatakis said...

Gawsh. Is it natural to get a little wet while reading a Tasha Klein poem? ;-)


Tasha Klein said...

You guys.. flatter me and I love love love love it!


John Moore Williams said...

lovely harsh language. love it. thanks for the comment on "phosphor"'s funny how everyone keeps seeing cummings in me...i thought i'd moved a little past that. ha!

Matina L. Stamatakis said...

Hey Tash,

I'm a little slow at this, but is Nina a reference to Rimbaud's poem "Nina Replies"?