Feb 18, 2007

Nina Rides A Hundred Miles In Six Hours

her sleep is mystical nonsense
she can not answer his shape
only sense his face
he has a beard
artfully disguised as soft

Feb 7, 2007

after midnight nina gets caught in the mesh of search

passing a mysterious pile-up of kisses
the brakes start cracking &
her windshield buries all mass of runout stars
maybe even footsteps
always beautifully missing


she has avalanche dreams
teddybears with eyes cuffed in blue

once champagne fell from the heavens &
a drunk boy put out his cigarette

Jan 16, 2007

Nina Smiles..

he is relentless
ping ping ping

she had to google the name
an interview in 3am

a short story about the infected
she thinks perhaps he needs some sunshine
other than the artificial kind

for once the annoying dogs attempting to access her computer
aren't getting on her nerves

her coral hair will soon be
quiet & locked in sleep

the cat naps with her new


Jan 13, 2007

take a picture, it will last longer

to them of plastic extensions &
perfect buttocks
this solar hole is vulgar

somewhere a motionless lunatic is being struck
& windows applaud by
extending their eyes:

a living taste or waste

a civil layer of jam on cracker

raw hide

a 'thing'

the voice of time is heavy
a revolving satellite
a toilet

is there such a thing as calm

sang u in o lent

in the hum of dark
cool towers

lovers in the shower

@ gifts.com
a man spends too much on
roses & silly string

Jan 7, 2007

So Hot

like skin.a love, slightly dainty.
tender softness in text area above add
not keep-out

so I paste the sky with
petal laughter & wild toes

I can desktop,
the worm preserved, A solid curve.
Type and click text
cut it
have random acts
in the cracks
where night smiles

then crawl down into the slow window
blowing the machine
Google black leather, to fit tip of finger
while rubber is Tight & pasted

your move is checked
to finish your soul-can
full of still, small, sweet cakes &
yes, the sucky sun, coming
hits the panes,
and you
fist to your mouth

Dec 22, 2006

Nina Can't Believe

all the cacca & pipi
that people gladly

all the care and medi and state and vacation



she screams this at the cat.

on her doormat
another note from the blair witch across the hall:
the mailman didn't deliver the mail
he is stealing

oh don't break my heart
don't heart my break

& if you log onto my
myspace page one more time
I will personally kill you with
mirrors & a budapest for each eye
because I hate how your slimy
try to
touch mine

now about that goblin
tryin to find light in my astonished sugar

I sleep dreamless and will cage your lewd
grinding swoop

Dec 21, 2006


she sucks in her breath, keeps her red dress on,
the one with the tiny death buttons &
i only want to be the silent diamond on her garter belt (black as a funeral).
i want to taste her wet blue soul &
just be, haunted, reposed & splintered.

she never smiles, just stares, exposed. if i get naked,
will you hold me, use a careful fierceness to make me sweat?
o i am gasping uhuhuh working up to the shiny heard star,
feeling like a tear that tears, only dropping
to suck on her, majestic sprawling lips.