Dec 22, 2006

Nina Can't Believe

all the cacca & pipi
that people gladly

all the care and medi and state and vacation



she screams this at the cat.

on her doormat
another note from the blair witch across the hall:
the mailman didn't deliver the mail
he is stealing

oh don't break my heart
don't heart my break

& if you log onto my
myspace page one more time
I will personally kill you with
mirrors & a budapest for each eye
because I hate how your slimy
try to
touch mine

now about that goblin
tryin to find light in my astonished sugar

I sleep dreamless and will cage your lewd
grinding swoop

Dec 21, 2006


she sucks in her breath, keeps her red dress on,
the one with the tiny death buttons &
i only want to be the silent diamond on her garter belt (black as a funeral).
i want to taste her wet blue soul &
just be, haunted, reposed & splintered.

she never smiles, just stares, exposed. if i get naked,
will you hold me, use a careful fierceness to make me sweat?
o i am gasping uhuhuh working up to the shiny heard star,
feeling like a tear that tears, only dropping
to suck on her, majestic sprawling lips.

Two Poems

Inspired By Her Poem About Nothing

I wanted to pull those dotty
black birds out of your sky
But you said
you liked the way they bent the blue


The Strapless Dress

She didn't want to wear the dress
said her arms were too fat
as I kissed each beauty mark
she said
she was glad she did

Nov 20, 2006

Things That Fall From the Sky

your crisp jacket
burns my shoulders like a red lake
keep me in your straight on stare
the night was made for your eyes
the look of glass

tuneless canyons
gathering darkness

sweeping sails

or the way you gesture this daydream
without ashtray

your wrists are just wrists
soft & heartless

Nov 16, 2006

Her Dress Suddenly Felt Like Pop Gristle

birds fly out of her mouth
leading the way down the hall
the air smells like lemon..

cases of injury
stacked like the final harvest
blink their own color away

Nina's dress is made entirely of pictures
up and down
a silky sound
of feathers on a winter lake
where stars sometimes just

her cell phone hooked between her breasts
the five favorites
glowing warm

don't forget the bob marley

throbbing neon in the Valley Shadow
skin is a short-circuiting slogan

Nov 7, 2006



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total fragments = 2
ranked neatly

they have the same color heart

a poisoned waste

don't let your screen be a bug catcher

fluttered mindlessly
in reply

she dips the straw into her blood and begins to write

something's wrong

the milkiness of the paper seems to grow

looking thru her new eye
she sees nothing
but his white dust sheet

in the Iron Bar
someone closes a window

laying on the sidewalk
in her skin suit
she moves clouds
with her tongue


Nov 1, 2006

The Boy In The Next Box

was playin his piano

she wanted to get out of bed and
put her ear to the wall

but had thrown out her back
picking up a wire

the tune was a deep
deep dark red
some type of flower
in the snow

the snow was in her head