Jan 7, 2022

BLISS: don't have to be back to work till tues.... Well, actually monday , for covid test..

 Went to the doctor yesterday for on going back pain that my, stand-on-your-feet-all-day job, is not helping. Anyway I had my appointment in their carport. . because the county is in OUTBREAK status. then went to pick up my prescriptions at the walmart pharmacy In va, where I had to wait forever because half of their staff was out with covid19 and so they were way very behind. Then I had to drive back to wv to my work to be covid19 tested because we are in OUTBREAK status since the 5th. So even if you have been vaccinated and boosted you are required to come in twice A week for mandatory testing. All the running around was worth it, though. . I have a weak muscle relaxer and a strong arthritis pill. Snowed in again. Stumperina loves ambient... Loves me being home. Had long conversation with Germany sister yesterday. We haven't had a full sister reunion because of covid19, in 2 years! She said that in her city you cannot go anywhere without your vaccine passport which is on your phone and now you must be tested before going to a restaurant and certain other places. They were just starting to take the free testing stations down but now they are going back up. The people who weren't vaccinated had to pay to be tested, now, it is free for everyone, again. I thought that last bit was interesting. I have diarrhea of the mouth but am going to go lay down. It gets uncomfortable sitting.  Snowed in again, did I already say that

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