Jan 18, 2022

Got a ride to and from work from dear old dad, today..

 and even in a 4wd we had to drive through a field to get off the property. My uncle was "scraping" the dirt road, which is more like a flattening of the snow because no one wants their expensive gravel removed. Well the good news is dad finally agreed to sell me his old truck. Not sure when this will happen.. 

Animal League came and set up a trap by the dumpster. The woman I have been communicating with said she spotted the wounded cat. I haven't seen it in awhile and my co workers reported that it hasn't been seen in 4 days. If they are able to trap it I will donate some money to the cause. I really need to get some pictures..


1 comment:

cd__ said...

That's quite the story! I am abashed at your ability to write about this kind of grinding almost life stuff with such elan! an even vigour! I could never write about that kind of experience . Maybe I was not humble enough... but you are damn good .